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QQ音速 love to be loved by you

时间:2021-06-16 14:11:45人气:作者:佚名我要评论

I can`t believe I`d standing here
Been waiting for so many years and
Today I found the Queen to reign my heart
You changed my live so patiently
And turned it into something good and real
I feel just like I felt in all my dreams
There are questions hard to answer
Can`t you see?
Baby, tell me how can I tell you
That I love you more than life
Show me how can I show you
That I`d blinded by your light
When you touch me I can touch you
To find out the dream is true
I love to be loved by you

You're looking kind of scared right now
You're waiting for the wedding vows
But I don`t know if my tongue able to talk
Your beauty is just blinding me
Like sunbeams on a summer stream and
I gotta close my eyes to protect me
Can you take my hand and lead me
From here please
Baby, tell me how can I tell you
That I love you more than life
Show me how can I show you
That I`d blinded by your light
When you touch me I can touch you
To find out the dream is true
I love to be loved,
I need to be loved
I love to be loved by you
I know they gonna say our love's not
strong enough to last forever
And I know they gonna say that well
give up because of heavy weather
But how can they understand
that our love is just heaven sent
We keep on going on and on cause
this is where we both belong?
Baby, tell me how can I tell you
That I love you more than life
Show me how can I show you
That I`d blinded by your light
When you touch me I can touch you
To find out the dream is true
I love to be loved,
I need yes I need to be loved
I love to be loved by you

Yes I love to be loved by you


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    昨日FB过度,现在还想呕吐.近来RP不好,垃圾蓝装无数. 自小练文习武,觉得可以PK.刚出江夏门口,被人一招打飞. 大家都在玩耍,我却BOSS单杀,哪知杀了半天,回血一下全满. 小时暗恋对象,早已嫁做他人,不但级别很高,而且玄装出门. 周围MM不少,全是小号飘飘....




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