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当前位置:首页QQ游戏中心QQ游戏综合 → QQ音速影音 Miss You Finally

QQ音速影音 Miss You Finally

时间:2022-01-13 13:45:12人气:作者:佚名我要评论

Miss You Finally
But I miss you finally
But I miss you finally
Try to remember all these years
We shared the love we shared the tears
Thought that forever it would be
I realize you lie to me
I still hold on
Still dream of days when we were one
You played with my heart
You played with my mind
But I miss you finally
Right from the start
My love made me blind
But I miss you finally
All of these promises you mad
This 4 letter word it seems to flame...
Baby it's hard to understand
Now that you're gone
We reached the end
I still believe
Still dream of days when we were one



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