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worth it舞蹈剪辑音乐 mp3格式无损免费版

  • 分类:影音播放
  • 大小:2.2M
  • 语言:英文
  • 版本:
  • 时间:2022-03-20 22:34:37
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  • 标签: worthitmp3音乐

软件Tags: worthitmp3音乐

worth it mp3剪辑版由绿色资源网小编为大家免费提供下载!这款歌曲深受广大音乐爱好者的喜爱!歌曲主要表达的是女权主义的思想!为了方便用户下载收听,小编特地提供了百度云盘和电脑压缩包两个不同下载地址,欢迎下载体验。

《Worth It》歌曲英文歌词

Give it to me I'm worth it

Baby I'm worth it

Uh huh I'm worth it

Gimme gimme I'm worth it

Give it to me I'm worth it

Baby I'm worth it

Uh huh I'm worth it

Gimme gimme I'm worth it

Okay I tell her bring it back like she left some

Bring it bring it back like she left some

Uh in the club with the lights off

What you actin' shy fo' come and show me that you

Wid it wid it wid it wid it wid it

Stop playin' how you know that I

Wid it widit wid it wid it wid it wid it

What you actin' shy for

Just give me you just give me you

Just give me you that's all I wanna do

And if what they say is true if its true

I might give me to you

I may take a lot of stuff

Guaranteed I can back it up

I think I'mma call your bluff

Hurry up I'm waiting out front

Uh huh you see me in the spotlight oooh I love your style

Uh huh show me what you got 'cause I don't wanna waste my time

Uh huh you see me in the spotlight oooh I love your style

Uh huh show me what you got now come and make it worth my while

Give it to me I'm worth it

Baby I'm worth it

Uh huh I'm worth it

Gimme gimme I'm worth it

Give it to me I'm worth it

Baby I'm worth it

Uh huh I'm worth it

Gimme gimme I'm worth it

It's all on you it's all on you

It's all on you so what you wanna do

And if you don't have a clue not a clue

I'll tell you what to do

Come harder just because

I don't like it like it too soft

I like it a little rough not too much but maybe just enough

Uh huh you see me in the spotlight oooh I love your style

Uh huh show me what you got 'cause I don't wanna waste my time

Uh huh you see me in the spotlight oooh I love your style

Uh huh show me what you got now come and make it worth my while

Give it to me I'm worth it

Baby I'm worth it

Uh huh I'm worth it

Gimme gimme I'm worth it

Give it to me I'm worth it (know what I mean)

Baby I'm worth it (give me everything)

Uh huh I'm worth it

Gimme gimme I'm worth it

Okay I tell her bring it back like she left some

Bring it bring it back like she left some

Uh in the club with the lights off

What you actin' shy fo' come and show me that you

Wid it widit wid it wid it wid it

Stop playin' how you know that I

Wid it wid it wid it wid it wid it wid it

What you actin' shy for

Uh huh you see me in the spotlight oooh I love your style

Uh huh show me what you got 'cause I don't wanna waste my time

Uh huh you see me in the spotlight oooh I love your style

Uh huh show me what you got now come and make it worth my while

Give it to me I'm worth it

Baby I'm worth it

Uh huh I'm worth it

Gimme gimme I'm worth it

Give it to me I'm worth it (know what I mean)

Baby I'm worth it (give me everything)

Uh huh I'm worth it

Gimme gimme I'm worth it

Give it to me I'm worth it

Worth It歌曲简介:

《Worth It》由五美和Kid Ink共同演唱,收录在五美的专辑《Reflection》中,主要由Priscilla Renea及Mikkel S. Eriksen填词,Ori Kaplan谱曲。

《Worth It》想和真命天女的歌曲一样,都强烈的反映了女权主义。虽然只是所在专辑的第三主打单曲,但是也毫不比其它歌曲逊色,因为《Worth It》十分有节奏,并且旋律时尚、前卫,运用了萨克斯,与其它歌曲给人的感觉不同。在音乐结构上,《Worth It》的音调主要为C小调,歌曲内部被设有约每分钟100次的节拍乐器。作为录唱歌手,五美的音域位于G3和Ab5之间。

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